
CSGO to Valorant Sensitivity Converter

CSGO to Valorant Sensitivity Converter

csgo valorant sensitivity



CSGO to Valorant Sensitivity Converter: How to Easily Transition from One Game to Another

Are you an Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO) player looking to switch to Valorant but struggling to adjust your sensitivity settings? Look no further than the CSGO to  sensitivity converter. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about making the transition from CSGO to Valorant as smooth as possible.

Understanding Sensitivity in CSGO and Valorant

Before we dive into the converter, it’s important to understand what sensitivity means in both games. In CSGO, sensitivity refers to the speed at which your crosshair moves across the screen when you move your mouse. In Valorant, sensitivity is measured in eDPI, or effective dots per inch, which takes into account both your mouse DPI and in-game sensitivity settings.

Why Use a Converter?

Switching between CSGO and Valorant can be challenging, especially when it comes to sensitivity settings. Many players find that their muscle memory is tied to their CSGO settings, making it difficult to adjust to a new game. Using a sensitivity converter can help ease this transition by allowing you to maintain similar settings in both games.

Using the CSGO to Valorant Sensitivity Converter

To use the converter, you’ll need to know your CSGO sensitivity settings. Simply enter your CSGO sensitivity in the converter and it will automatically calculate the equivalent eDPI for Valorant. You can then use this number to adjust your sensitivity settings in Valorant to match your CSGO settings.

Tips for Adjusting Your Sensitivity in Valorant

While the converter can be a helpful tool, it’s important to keep in mind that sensitivity is a personal preference and what works for one player may not work for another. Here are a few tips to help you adjust your sensitivity settings in Valorant:

1. Experiment with different settings.

Don’t be afraid to try out different sensitivity settings until you find what works best for you. Start with the converted eDPI from your CSGO settings and adjust up or down as needed.

2. Keep your mouse DPI consistent.

Make sure your mouse DPI is consistent between CSGO and Valorant to ensure a similar feel when moving your mouse.

3. Take your time.

Adjusting to new sensitivity settings can take time, so be patient and give yourself time to get used to the new settings.

4. Practice, practice, practice.

The more you play Valorant with your new sensitivity settings, the more comfortable you’ll become with them.


Making the transition from CSGO to Valorant can be a challenge, but using a sensitivity converter can help ease the process. Remember to experiment with different settings, keep your mouse DPI consistent, and give yourself time to adjust. With a little practice, you’ll be on your way to dominating in Valorant.


1. Is it possible to use the sensitivity converter for other games besides CSGO and Valorant?

The sensitivity converter is designed specifically for CSGO and Valorant, but there are other sensitivity converters available online for different games.

2. Can I use the converter for console games?

No, the sensitivity converter is only designed for PC games.

3. Will my aim improve if I use the sensitivity converter?

Using the sensitivity converter can help make the transition between games easier, but it won’t necessarily improve your aim.

4. Can I use the sensitivity converter to match my settings to a professional player?

Yes, you can use the sensitivity converter to match your settings to those of a professional player, but keep in mind that personal preference plays a big role in sensitivity settings.

5. Are there any downsides to using the sensitivity converter?

The main downside to using the sensitivity converter is that it may not perfectly match your preferred sensitivity settings in both games. However, it can be a helpful starting point for finding a similar feel in both CSGO and Valorant.

Overall, using the CSGO to Valorant sensitivity converter can be a helpful tool for players looking to make the transition from one game to another. Remember to experiment with different settings and give yourself time to adjust, and you’ll be well on your way to success in Valorant.


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