Comms in Valorant can be a very confusing thing for newcomers as well as veterans. If you want to win in Valorant, you have to use every feature the developer gave you. Never be shy about asking for help from your teammates; after all, you are playing on a team. Whether you’re chatting with friends or foes, this article will review every possible way to use the in-game and voice chats.
Comms in Valorant: How to change the chat settings in Valorant
Here, we’ll give you the complete instructions on enabling and disabling chat so you can tailor the game to your liking and have more fun. Just follow these easy steps, and you’ll be all set:
- To access the options menu while playing, hit the “Esc” key.
- The “Communication” tab should be selected.
- Choose “Enable Text Chat” or “Disable Text Chat” from the “Text Chat” section.
- Adjust the “Enable Voice Chat,” “Push-to-talk,” and “Enable Voice Chat during clutch” settings under the “Voice Chat” area.

You may access the chat by hitting Shift + Enter and then close it by pressing Esc so that you can turn it off for a particular match at a time.
Comms in Valorant: Guide to Using Valorant Chats System
The team chat, all chat, and whisper features are the three primary means of communication in Valorant. Everyone serves a distinct purpose. Here, we’ll go over the basics of using each one:
Team chat
Gather information about the whereabouts and movements of the opponent, plan attacks, and discuss strategy in the team chat. Stay optimistic and concentrate on claiming victory in the round.
- Just press the Enter key to open. You can now type your message into the chat box that has been opened.
- Once you’re ready to send your message, hit Enter again to restrict its delivery to your teammates.
All chat
Cautiously use all chat features. Use caution when conversing with others; it is a social medium. Avoid spam, hostility, and toxicity; these things can throw off your squad and make the other team lose focus.
- Hit Shift + Enter to open. It will open with “All” checked on the left side of the chat window.
- Just fill in your message and hit the Enter key to send it. Both teams, as well as everyone else in the game, will get your message.
Like plotting your next move, use whisper to have a secret discussion with your teammates or pals.
- Hit Enter to launch the chat window and whisper to a specific player. To send a message to a player, type “/w” and enter their username. For instance, “/w Jett Well Played.”
- Either press Enter + Tab or type “/r” into the chat box to respond to a whisper. If someone whispered to you recently, you will immediately react to them.
Other choices:
- Use the emoticons (Alt + number pad keys) to convey your feelings without using words.
- Use the pings (Z key, “,” key and “.” key) to mark areas, enemies, and goals on the map.
- Communicate in real-time with your team with voice chat (also known as Push-to-Talk or voice activation).
Furthermore, consider the following:
- In the Valorant main menu, you can adjust the chat preferences. Among these options are enabling or disabling individual chat functions and altering the chat’s style, size, and color.
- If the opposition team’s or any player’s comments become too annoying or insulting, you can silence them all or just that person.
- Remember that effective communication is the secret to your success in Valorant. Stay optimistic, use the chat features to your advantage, and build tactics with your team without arguing.
Comms in Valorant: The Valorant chat commands
In Valorant, you can send particular messages in chat using a keyboard shortcut called a chat command. They can be a lifesaver for serious business, teamwork, or even just casual small talk.
A few of the most popular Valorant chat commands are as follows:
- /r: React to a player’s most recent message.
- Use the command “/w [player name]” or press Enter and then Tab, followed by the Player’s name to communicate privately with a single person.
- /all: Communicate with every player, even enemies, in the game.
- /team: Just your teammates will receive this message.
A few instances of chat commands in action are these:
- /r Chamber: Spike spotted at A Main!
- /w Skye or Enter, Tab [Player Name]: Enemy Spotted at B Site!
- /all: Spike Carrier Down at A Boba!
- /team: Let’s Rotate to B Site!
The Valorant menu allows you to personalize chat instructions. You can enable or disable commands, change keyboard shortcuts, and more. When used correctly, they have the potential to enhance dialogue in Valorant greatly. Put them to good use and watch your squad win!

Comms in Valorant: Valorant voice chat
An integral aspect of Valorant is voice chat, which enables teams to communicate and coordinate in real time. Using it while talking during a match is become standard practice. In this section, we will go into greater depth about its configuration and use.
Voice chat types include:
- The most popular method is push-to-talk (PTT), which involves holding down a key (usually “V”) to activate the microphone. Aside from preventing unintentional voice leaks, this also provides more control.
- When you talk into your microphone, voice activation will immediately record audio. Though practical, this can result in distracting ambient noise.
Controls and configurations:
- Personalize your voice chat controls, including the PTT key, in Valorant’s settings.
- Adjusting the microphone volume ensures your teammates can hear you properly without being overpowered.
- You can choose between a microphone and speakers or headphones, depending on your audio needs.
- Using the loopback test, you may check your microphone’s functionality and hear how other people perceive your voice.
Extra features for voice chat:
- To help teammates keep track of who is speaking, a little icon will appear next to your name while you talk.
- The chat log contains all of your recent voice chat messages.
- Remember that voice chat is a potent weapon in Valorant. If you use it smartly, it can enhance your gaming experience, teamwork, and communication.
Advice for a more productive voice chat:
- In your calls, be brief and unambiguous. Be specific when naming locations, describing enemies, and giving orders.
- Refrain from being accusatory and negative. Concentrate on formulating plans, offering support, and giving relevant details.
- For immediate updates, press the PTT button; for critical situations, use voice activation. If necessary, turn off irritating players’ voice chat.
- Be quick to respond when your colleagues shout out commands.

Comms in Valorant: Helpful hints for communicating in Valorant
As we have stated previously, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial to your success in Valorant. Here, we will provide you with some pointers on how to use voice and text chat better to enhance your gaming performance.
1. A calm demeanor and concentration:
Keep your spirits up; instead of placing blame, provide helpful criticism and suggestions. The team is motivated, and coordination is improved when everyone has a positive mindset.
Make sure to remember that your goal is to win the rounds. Never stray from discussing what’s happening on the map in the chat. Plan rotations, discuss offensive or defensive strategy, give clear callouts, and warn about enemies.
2. Being clear and specific:
Avoid vague descriptions like “enemy on the right” and give precise coordinates like “Cypher is stunned at Backsite at C.” This will improve the team’s reaction time and accuracy.
Common phrases like “hookah, “boba,” and “under” in the Valorant language can facilitate conversation and understanding.
3. Making good use of resources:
The value of pings is very tremendous. Notify your allies of impending danger, beneficial objects, rotations, and other crucial events with the tap of a ping, usually using the Z key.
Mixing chat with voice is also essential. It’s not enough to only rely on text. In high-pressure situations, audio chat allows allies to respond quickly.
4. Adapting and Improvising is Key:
Modify the way you express yourself depending on the situation. When planning, speak more slowly; when you’re in the thick of combat, communicate faster and more concisely.
Chat etiquette is something you should always be wary of. Avoid flooding the channel or starting pointless discussions; doing so will disrupt the team’s ability to focus.
5. Managing toxicity:
Keep your game face and spirit up; toxic comments have no business influencing either. Anyone whose conduct is interfering with the team’s performance should be muted.
If you observe someone breaking the chat rules in Valorant, please report them to the Valorant Support Admins.